
Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is a fundamental time in a women's life.  It can and should be an enjoyable experience.  During pregnancy the female body goes through a lot of changes to prepare for the developing baby:  a change in hormones, weight gain and an increased curve in the low back can cause stress on the body and potentially lead to misalignments of the spine.   

One of the best things you can do for yourself when pregnant is get regular chiropractic adjustments! Chiropractic care is very gentle and completely safe during pregnancy.  It benefits all aspects of the body, simply by working with the nervous system-the communication system between the brain and body.  There are so many benefits that chiropractic care can provide for pregnant women.  It helps diminish common pregnancy symptoms such as heart burn, low back pain, fatigue and general aches and pains.  Dr. Lindsay is trained in the Webster Technique which helps the baby get in the best possible position for birth-which is essential to have an ideal labour and delivery.  Plus studies show that regular chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy can reduce the time of labour and delivery. Now what woman isn't excited about that?!


Pediatric Care

Dr. Lindsay is very passionate about checking and adjusting children.  In fact, it's her favourite thing to do!  Why is it important to check a child's spine?  If we take a moment to think about all the things that a growing baby and toddler are doing in their first few years of life:  holding their head up, crawling, learning to stand & walk,  it's not hard to imagine why this time is so critical to having a balanced spine and nervous system.  

How do children get spinal misalignments? It can start with their entrance into the world.  The birth process in itself is a dramatic event for both mom and baby .  Then as  a child grows they are learning how to hold their head up, crawl, walk and run. All of these events can be stressful on a developing spine.  The first few years are foundational for children in terms of who they will grow up to be.  Having a healthy, balanced spine is key to allowing a child to maximize their full potential.  Plus getting regular spinal adjustments has a multitude of benefits: helping prevent infections, ensuring optimal breast feeding, normalizing regularity of bowel movements and helping them achieve motor milestones.



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Family Care

Chiropractic care is a family affair.  Its not just for mom's and babies but for dad's, toddlers, teenagers and grandparents too!  Anyone who has a spine should be checked.  Some of my favourite patients are those with no complaints.  It's about bringing more balance, reducing tension and giving the body and nervous system everything it needs to function optimally.