It's time for a posture check-in!

Do you find yourself spending too much time in this position throughout the day?

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If you’re nodding your head yes, I have the perfect STRETCH for you!

This simple exercise can be done seated or standing and it only takes 20 seconds for you to feel the positive effects. So no excuses, you can do it right at your desk! You simply lift your head up and back, lifting your chin into the air and stretching your arms out wide to open your chest. That’s it! Hold for 20 seconds and repeat a few times in a row.

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The stretch counteracts the stresses our cervical (neck) and thoracic (midback) spine endure from being in a flexed forward posture. It’s simple and easy but really powerful.

So today, take a 20 second break and check in with your body!

“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.”

Your family’s chiropractor,

Dr. Lindsay

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