Your spinal cord is smarter than you think...

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When we think about the human body we often assume intelligence is isolated to the brain. However, new research reveals that your SPINAL CORD might be SMARTER than you think.

A recent study featured in Nature Neuroscience titled Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient hand control” found just that. In the study the subjects were instructed to maintain their hand in a target position. A robot would then bump the subjects arm out of place and the subject had to bring their hand back. The researchers measured the subjects “lag'“ time—the time it took for the subjects to respond. The really interesting thing about the study is that the researchers found the subjects were responding so quickly that the only place the response could be generated from was the spinal circuits themselves, not the brain.

What is this important?

The spine and spinal cord have always been an area of focus for chiropractors. When you look at simple anatomy you can see the intimate connection between your spine and nervous system. From current research we know that when we adjust the spine, we change the structure and function of the brain. Getting adjusted increases the health, mobility and optimal function of the spine. This study provides solid rationale for the importance of maintaining the health of your spine…’s much bigger than back pain relief.

Spread the word. Get adjusted.

Your family’s chiropractor,

Dr. Lindsay

Reference: Weiler,J., Gribble, P.L., & Pruszynski, J.A. (2019). Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient hand control. Nature Neuroscience.